Source Code for Original Version of Voter’s Revenge Is Available

I found a version of the original Voter’s Revenge source code on my laptop, which I’ve now uploaded to a new github repository @ . (Note that this project began from a clone of an open source project called Mvc5IdentityExample.)

I probably have a more current version of the code, somewhere in a disk in storage, as I made some modifications to demonstrate the basic functionality using a date in the past when the data was current. (I posted an article about this on called “Allow Users to Selectively Override your Website’s Default Date” ). The bits indicated in my article are not in the code, so for sure it’s not the very last thing I worked on.

At present, I don’t think it’s worth it trying to dig up the very latest source code.

I’ve abandoned this version of the project long ago, and have since re-imagined it, though I’ve done no coding on a new version. I’m posting this mostly because any programmers who might get interested in the re-imagined version might make use of the database as a starting point, whose structure can be reproduced using the ‘modelBuilder’ calls.

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